The neck osteocondrose

The pain is in your neck of the woman

Very few modern people have not heard of the osteocondrose. Most of them have experienced the symptoms of this disease. The wider the spread of the disease is due to a long bench in front of the computer, a passive way of life, inadequate diet, and the t. d. Osteocondrose neck is a pain, weakened muscles, reduced mobility, and a variety of other symptoms.

It's not worth ignoring the symptoms of degenerative disc disease, because the sooner you start treatment, the quicker you will get rid of the disease. In the initial stages it is carried out, a conservative therapy is the acquisition of medication, therapy, exercise, physical therapy, massage, and t. d. is the infection and destruction of the bone and cartilage structure, and is assigned to the transaction.

What is the

Osteocondrose of the neck, is a condition that occurs only in people. The animals do not suffer. This is related to the arrangement side of the spinal column. In this position, the vertebrae comdallywayt to each other, which causes the intervertebral discs to slowly disintegrate.

Her department is comprised of 7 vertebrae, which are separated from each other the disks. This is a segment of the spinal column, it is quite vivid, it is because of this that it is one of the most vulnerable stages of the spinal column. The weakest link in the cervical area, the department intervertebral disc is in the drive-in in the first place, are reflected in degeneratUNO-decomtRnofethcomtoee changes.

The prevalence of degenerative cervical disc disease goes on to explain, and a weak tone in the muscular corset around the neck area. In addition to this, in this way, placed the vertebrae in the small size, they do not have the same structure, and all too strongly adhere to each other. It is for this reason that even a very small load on the neck, it can result in their displacement, as well as the compression of blood vessels and nerves of the limbs. When along to anterior spinal artery, which is placed on the inside of the spinal column, in this way, there are dangerous complications.

Osteocondrose of the cervical spine (the shop) in order to face sobretruzaimi (offset pulpous kernel, with no damage to the outer sheath), and a herniated disc. This education, shrink bundles, nerve, blood vessels.

Due to the degenerative changes of the intervertebral disc increases, the probability of the occurrence of the bone tumors (nocomteofits) in the areas of the joints of the vertebrae. Because of this, close to the intervertebral canal, and compressed the neuro-vascular education.

To be of help. The medical statistics of the degenerative cervical disc disease and more people are suffering more than 35 years of age. Even though right now there is no acne condition, which often develops in patients 20 years of age. This has got to be, by and large, lead a sedentary lifestyle and a poor diet.

The doctors pointed to a 4-stage disease:

  • 1, the level begins to break down the cartilage strip in between the vertebrae. At this stage, the disease is one of the symptoms. Unfortunately, many patients don't even realize it.
  • 2nd grade – under the pressure of the vertebrae, the height of the unit will decrease, on the integrity of the sheath to the outer branches. At this stage, they may arise from sobretda, Georgia. Appears to pain, limited mobility of the neck, which may be a violation of the sensitivity of the person.
  • The 3-degree – sobretda Georgia will turn into a hernia, which constrict the blood vessels and muscles. In addition to the start of the pain syndrome, may occur headache, dizziness.
  • The 4-degree up – nocomteofits, which stabilizes the bone, but pitadat of the nerve fibers. The pain does not go away, there is a stiffness of movement, damaged his vertebrae adjacent to each other, appear the neurological symptoms.

It is important to start treatment in 1 or 2-phase, in order to avoid serious complications that can be corrected only with a surgical procedure.

Causes of

Osteocondrose SHOP, it is a complex and lengthy process, which can occur under the influence of many negative factors.

For example, in older people the disease is related to the changes that are related to the age of the body. So degeneratUNO-decomtRnofethcomtoee changes that occur as a result of the violation of local blood circulation, metabolism, and the weakening of the immune system.

However, doctors have identified the major causes of degenerative cervical disc disease:

  • A poor sitting posture.
  • The curvature of the spinal column.
  • Of the injury, the segment of the cervix.
  • Of the excess weight.
  • Exhausting physical labor.
  • Extended session on the computer.
  • The passive way of life.
  • In violation of metabolic processes.
  • Often the subarrefecimento of the neck.
  • Bad for the organization, the location for the bed (very soft mattress and high pillow).
  • Asked by stress, and chronic fatigue.
  • Defects and diseases in the construction of SALES.
  • Auto-immune diseases that cause the degeneration of articular cartilage.
  • The time of infection.
  • The characteristics of the parts of the body, for example, is too long or short to the neck.

Under the influence of each of these factors will begin to collapse in the intervertebral bone and the tissues of the damaged beams to the nerve, the blood vessels.

The symptoms of

Clinical osteocondrose of the cervical spine (The shortest possible) from. For this reason, the patients, it is difficult to understand what is going on with them. The first symptoms can be attributed to an excess of work. After getting the express and the symptoms rush to the doctor, however, in the case of the irreversible changes are already present, and restore the structure of the cervix it is no longer possible.

The pain in the neck when you osteocondrose

The main symptoms of degenerative disc disease of cervical spine:

  • The sensation of pain in the area of the neck, the shoulders.
  • The weakening of the muscles that surround the hit in the segment of the spinal cord.
  • The allocation of excessive sweating.
  • The violation of the sensitivity of the upper extremities.
  • Disorders of co-ordination.
  • Cephalalgia (head pain).
  • Vertigo (dizziness).
  • Disturbances of hearing and vision.
  • The peaks of the blood pressure, and strain, and t. d.

The character of the pain in the head, when the osteocondrose is different npecomtpoorana, a steady, throbbing, boring. This problem is manifested due to spasm in the brain and other vascular diseases, the compression of a nerve in the rafters of the cervix, the increase in the intracranial pressure.

When you as soon as possible pain does not always appear in the area of the segment and of the cervix, it can spread to your shoulders, with your hands. The discomfort you may experience after you sleep, the jerking, the tension in the neck, for example, when you cough or sneeze.

When osteocondrose to SHOP are observed to peak pressure as a function of time-of-day, it is the constant high blood pressure neharatErna to the hospital. Usually, when the blood pressure increases, we observed the following expression: cephalalgia, and pain in the hands, numbness in neck-htaula from the ballet to the area. Loss of pressure is often observed after the damage, or muscle tension, for a long time to stay in an uncomfortable position.

The syndromes of degenerative cervical disc disease

When you as soon as possible, can be a few conditions (which are typical of the state, which is accompanied by the characteristic symptoms). Its manifestation depends on the neural branches and vessels that are damaged.

Syndromes of cervical degenerative disc disease:

  • The anterior spinal artery is, as a result of compression or irritation of the artery that feeds the brain. So, it is the patient who suffers from disorders of hearing, vision, dizziness, a drop in pressure, migraine headaches, and t. d.
  • Kardialnsth – developed by the compression of the bundles of nervous that innerviewt, or the diaphragm of the chest muscle. Now comes the pain, stinging in the chest, shortness of breath, weakness, and speed up the heart rate.
  • HyperteNZenoNNsth is called the compression of the vein, which stopped the exit of the blood from the head. So, it increases the intracranial pressure, the patient is suffering from cephalgia, nausea, vomiting.
  • The neck of the migraine is due to compression of the nerves surrounding the artery of the spine. Now comes the painful migrenadobna pain in the region of the nape of the neck. The attack lasts for about 10 hours and is sometimes accompanied by an eruption of the emetics to the masses.
  • The root is the most common comeMPtnomnotonoMPlCEcom when you as soon as possible. It is referred to as the compression of the nerve bundles of the vertebral segment, cervical. In the case of a violation of a conductivity in 1, 2 in the root, neck, disturbed sensitivity, or there is a pain in the back of the head. If it is corrupted, then the 3 pairs of stands, the language in the area behind the ears, a person that is difficult to chew food. The inflammation of the 4 pairs in the root of a nerve accompanied by pain in the collar bone, IKOtOh, and difficulty in swallowing. If broken, a conductivity of 5 to 8 pairs of lines, the nerve, the patient is difficult to move the hands.
To be of help. Many times, the osteocondrose cervical spine is manifested in a variety of comeMPtnomnotonoMPlCEcomandme, then the diagnosis becomes difficult. Therefore, it is not to be suspected of a crime, it is best to ask the experts.

The diagnosis of

If you don't know what to do in case of suspicious symptoms, it is best to immediately consult a physician. If necessary, your doctor will refer you to the optOPEdtem, vertebRnolnogtem, neuropatnolnogtem.

When the diagnosis of the research shall be subject to the following searches:

  • X-ray exposure.
  • Scan or magnetic resonance imaging.
  • Elektoneirology.

All of the studies mentioned above provide some information on the cervical area of the department. For example, an x-ray, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, are applied for the identification of pathological changes in the structure of the vertebral column. Electromyography enables us to assess the state of the beam team.

Through an x-ray examination, which is carried out in a variety of sizes, it can be detected in the accumulation of calcium salts, the reduction of the height of the strip of cartilage between the vertebrae, the deformation in the SHOP, and the presence of tumors in the bone and t d.


With the therapy as quickly as possible, should be comprehensive in scope. The decision on the choice of the methodology to adopt to the medical doctor, taking into account the stage of ways of the disease, the onset of symptoms.

Treatment of degenerative disc disease of the lumbar disc of the vertebral column is long and complex. To completely cure the disease is very unlikely, especially when it comes to a patient's age. However, in order to stop the degenerative and degenerative diseases such breach in the segment, the cervix, is possible at any stage.

In the early stages of the disease, applied methods of conservative: medical, fitness, therapeutic, treatment, physical therapy, massage, braces, and electrical devices. Most of the methods described above, you can apply at home.

3 – phase is 4, which is accompanied by the destruction of not only the articular cartilage, but it is in the vertebral column, may be in need of surgical intervention.

If you get rid of pain and inflammation, relax tense muscles, in order to improve the state of the tissue and cartilage to help with the following medications:

  • The pain killers. With a sharp pain, you can help yourself by taking the pill metamizol sodium. For this purpose, it applies to NSAIDS, which allows to deal not only with the pain and the inflammation.
  • Steroids cut down the inflammatory process and the pain. To this end, they use the drugs on the basis of the hormone is in the form of pills or topical ointments.
  • Muscle relaxants help to relax the spasm of the muscles around the damaged one. To this end, the use of solutions for parenteral introduction the basis of benzimidazole. They are normalizing the muscle tone and to release the pain that is caused.
  • Antispasmodics will help you to combat the pain and muscle spasms.
  • Vitamins to accelerate the recovery of the central nervous system. For this purpose, they are taking their medication on the basis of the elements of the group, A, A, c, D, and E. they are effective Enough vitamins and minerals.
To be of help. If the pain is brought on a very strong oral pain killers do not help, your doctor may prescribe novocaine for the lock. The shots with the application of anesthetics or steroids are solutions that put you directly into a hotbed of pathology. This can only be done by a trained professional.

The composition of the adjuvant therapy applying topical creams, gels, ointments, and anti-inflammatory properties, thermal cover, the effect of pain relief.

To alleviate the condition of the patient, and improve your physical condition, prescribe a dressing for the gym. The exercises will help to strengthen the muscles around the neck and enhance the body's metabolism, accelerate the blood circulation, relaxes the reduced load on the spinal column.

Especially popular when it as soon as possible gym, you typically take place in the living room for the application of special simulators. However, if you want to, you can do it in-house.

Gymnastics, when the cervix osteocondrose

In the complex therapy for a year, when the cervix osteocondrose:

  • Gently tilt the head to the shoulder, and softservices for 30 seconds, and then repeat the movement on the other side.
  • Tilt your head forward, trying to touch your chin to your chest and then lift it up and slightly to the front.
  • Lowering his head a little to the rear, turn the right-hand side, and then on his left shoulder.
  • Press down with your left hand on the shoulder, the elbow and a little bit of a lift. Then, you turn your head to the right, hold it, feel the tension in the muscles.
  • This exercise is carried out, as a third party, and only during the time of the turning of the head, as you raise your arms above your head, and stepside them.
  • Your hands in your lap, raise them to the side, trying to get out the shovels, and simultaneously, grasp the chin-up. And so you're going to work with, and the thoracic part of the department.
  • And be ye lift up, push down with the hand, and gently pull the neck forward, trying to touch your chin to your left shoulder.

Prior to the occupations that you need to do is to articulate the exercise and take a bath to relax your muscles. After the execution of the complexo da maré, do the stretch.

Explaining and talking points osteocondrose of the neck, you can, with the help of physical therapy:

  • UHF bands.
  • Therapy with the Laser.
  • The magnetic therapy.
  • Electrophoresis with drugs and t. d.

Magnetic therapy eases the inflammation and the pain. The UHF and treatment with laser, it speeds up the metabolism in the exposed area, it helps to eliminate the inflammation. Thanks elektROFopeztem drugs to penetrate into the heart of the inflammation through the skin where it will immediately manifest in your actions.

With the help of a massage is to normalize the muscle tone, speed up the flow of blood to the damaged areas, improve tRafika tissue. Once you have gone through the course, which typically consists of 10 treatments to stop the development of degenerative diseases-decomtROFethcomtoex of the processes in the region of the cervical department of the spine.

At home, you can use it in tibetan, and the applicator is a plastic device with a large number of prisoners. It needs to go, or you can apply it to the struck place. The spreader helps to relieve the pain, relax the muscles, improve the circulation of the blood, as well as physical activity.

The collar of the Trench, to apply if you are prompted a sharp pain. It is an orthopaedic device that locks the neck in the correct position, to reduce the load on the vertebrae which reduces the pain.

When it is integrated with the treatment of a patient to be able to get rid of the degenerative disc disease in the neck every time. It is, however, possible, if the condition point to to the 1 stage. In other cases the activities will help to stop the development of the disease.

Hondrosas neck

A lot of people believe that hondrosas and osteocondrose it is a disease. On the other hand, this is in the wrong. The first time that the disease is affected only the cartilage strip of bone, and on the degenerative changes that are propagated back to the bone and the tissue. That is, hondrosas, this is the first stage of degenerative disc disease.

Hondrosas cervical develops when they are about to be violated, and the metabolic processes in the intervertebral disc. Thus, the collagen fibers are replaced by useless fibrous tissue, hyaline cartilage, sobresestrela HocomtfugirtcomEu, it becomes less elastic. Its height is reduced, resulting in impaired function of the bone.

Causes of chondrosis and degenerative disc disease is no different.

The neck hondrosas has the following features:

  • The rapid fatigue of the muscles around the the online store.
  • Violation of posture.
  • Periodically, due to the discomfort and mild pain in the area that is exposed.
  • The limited mobility of the neck.

Usually, the patients are not aware of the symptoms of chondrosis. Identify the disease by chance during an x-ray image or a magnetic resonance imaging.


The plan of therapy, chondrosis neck is a little different from the tactics of the treatment of degenerative disc disease. The first is that the disease, doctors prescribe NSAIDS and hondrosobretCEtops. In addition, the patient should avoid excessive physical activity or a long period of time for a refund. We recommend you to run a bandage to the gym, eat properly, quit the bad habits.

To assist in the methods of treatment include massage, manual therapy. In addition to this, it shows you the physical therapy treatment of, for example, electrophoresis, ultra-violet radiation, VPeptemehcomtA saudi arabia, diadinamotA saudi arabia, balneotherapy, the treatment of the sludge. Its efficacy in the treatment of chondrosis has proven to acupuncture (acupuncture).


In the majority of cases, patients are able to get rid of the symptoms of degenerative cervical disc disease for some time, after the disease back. This is generally due to the fact that the patient later calls for medical help or you don't comply with your doctor's recommendations for treatment. But there are those of you who were able to heal as quickly as possible, and don't get in the way of his symptoms.

"I found out that I had osteocondrose the neck for a 2-stage. The doctors also pointed to the anti-inflammatory pills and injections. After the pain passed, and he began to go to the massage, I had a special exercise, which used the ointment. After the treatment, she felt a great relief. However, after 3 months, the pain in my neck again. Therefore, the course was to start from the beginning again.
"I have a lot of time that you can live in the collar of the nocomtenohondrosasnom. To periodically visit the chiropractor, you direitofugirt ones. This helps you to the therapeutic exercise. The doctor showed me some very effective exercise from the complexo da maré, which I try to do it every day. But, as you are only missing a few sessions, it appears that once again, the pain."
"Cervical osteocondrose on a stage, very treatable. I have, and that's what happened. First of all, the doctors have pointed out sobreteinnoinnocompandleteehntemYu therapy, which does not have the pain and the inflammation. Then, the processing dnopnolnelnocomü, fitness center, massage, and acupuncture. In addition to that, I would go to the pool, I started to take vitamins, and eat right. You want to forget the pain, forever, I've had to completely change his life. The exercises are not a day goes by, however, the more I hurt at all, but to be in top physical shape has improved. I no longer feel aches and pains in the back, and a bottom continuous to lead a healthy life.

The main conclusions of

Osteocondrose of the cervical spine is a disease that is insidious, manifesting itself through a wide variety of symptoms. You don't always sick to see what it really is that you walk in going on with it. As soon as it is uttered, the pain rushes back in to see the doctor, however, this is a sign of the existence of the degenerative diseases-decomtROFethcomtoex changes in the segment and the cervix. If this is the case, you can restore the health of your spine will not be able to. Then, it is carried out, a treatment that helps to prevent the development of disease and avoid the severe consequences of that. In the treatment of degenerative disc disease is a complex and lengthy process that requires patience and organization. After you eliminate the pain and inflammation of the patient should be on a regular basis to therapy for a year, to attend massage, therapy, to apply to devices, braces, to eat taken properly, it's time to abandon the bad habit. It is important to lead a healthy life, adhere to moderate physical activity, controlling your weight, pay attention to your posture. The only way you are going to be able to stop the disease and live a full life.